My name is Andrew Lloyd Barker. I'm the Co-Founder and Director of the City of Youth. A program that services at risk youth in Los Angeles and is an accredited education program. There's so much to be said about a gentlemen who I've had the privilege of growing up with through my early teen and late adult years.
It takes close to a lifetime to comb this earth to find individuals you wouldn't mind sharing some of your time with while you're here and initially meeting Sean, it wasn't hard to see that he was one of those individuals. This day and age, just by the click of a button you can "add" a friend; title and meaning of "friend" has been thrown around so loosely. But, if they had a family option back when we initially met, Sean would have more than certainly fell within that criteria.
We met in my freshman year at Hollywood High. As long as I could remember Sean has been an amazing advisor, someone you can call and get a myriad of advise from; a joker and comedian, if you've ever had the opportunity to sit around him I'm pretty sure you'd get the same sense of his humorous spirit. We've shared more laughs and good times then I can remember. But, most importantly he's down to earth and a family guy, no Pete Griffin.
Sean's core values have always been deep routed and its what I respect and continue to admire about him. He's always been about the team. Keeping whats most important in his focus, his family. He's worked hard to be able to provide for his family. All the while keeping his friends in touch and fully engaged. Its his magnetic energy and ability to connect others! I'm proud to say Sean is one of my best-friends', my brother.
I wish he and my new sister a blessed marriage and continued success with their future endeavors. Love ya both!